Herbal Products

We have wide range Herbal Products

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk, derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant, is a versatile and popular dietary supplement known for its rich fiber content. It's widely recognized for its ability to promote digestive health by aiding in regular bowel movements and relieving constipation.

Sida Cordifolia

Sida Cordifolia, also known as Country Mallow or Bala, is a medicinal herb renowned for its diverse therapeutic properties. Indigenous to India and other tropical regions, this plant has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Momordica Charantia

Momordica Charantia, commonly known as bitter melon or bitter gourd, is a tropical vine widely cultivated for its medicinal and culinary properties. This unique fruit is renowned for its bitter taste and is a staple in many Asian cuisines.

Organic Ashwagandha

Organic Ashwagandha, derived from the Withania somnifera plant, is a revered herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine renowned for its numerous health benefits. Rich in adaptogenic properties, it helps the body cope with stress, promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

Herbs Senna Leaves

Renowned for their natural laxative properties, these herbs are often utilized to relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Senna leaves contain compounds known as anthraquinones, which stimulate the muscles in the intestines, facilitating the expulsion of waste.

Papaya Leaves Extract

Papaya leaves extract, derived from the foliage of the papaya tree (Carica papaya), holds remarkable medicinal properties. Rich in enzymes like papain and chymopapain, it exhibits potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, aiding in immune support and combating oxidative stress. This extract is renowned for its potential to enhance digestion, relieve constipation, and promote gastrointestinal health.

Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera, often referred to as the "miracle tree," is renowned for its remarkable nutritional and medicinal properties. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this superfood offers a plethora of health benefits.

Rose Petals

Rose petals, the delicate and fragrant blooms of the beloved flower, hold a timeless allure in various cultural and culinary practices. Beyond their romantic symbolism, rose petals boast versatile applications, from skincare to gastronomy. Infused in oils or incorporated into bath soaks, they offer nourishment and relaxation for the skin and senses alike.

Centella Asiatica

Centella asiatica, also known as Gotu Kola, is a versatile herb renowned for its myriad health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it aids in boosting cognitive function, promoting skin health, and reducing inflammation.

Juniper Berries

Juniper berries, harvested from the evergreen juniper shrub, boast a myriad of culinary and medicinal uses. With a distinct piney flavor and subtle citrus notes, these berries are a staple in many cuisines, particularly in game dishes and gin production.


Orthosiphon, commonly known as Java tea or cat's whiskers, is a medicinal herb celebrated for its various health benefits. Native to Southeast Asia, Orthosiphon is renowned for its diuretic properties, making it a popular choice for supporting kidney health and urinary tract function.

Terminalia Chebula

Terminalia chebula, commonly known as "Haritaki" or "Black Myrobalan," is a revered medicinal plant in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Renowned for its potent healing properties, Terminalia chebula offers a wide range of health benefits. It is prized for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, making it a valuable remedy for various ailments.

Piper Longum

Piper Longum, commonly known as long pepper, is a flowering vine renowned for its medicinal properties. Native to South Asia, it has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its diverse health benefits. Piper Longum is prized for its ability to aid digestion, alleviate respiratory issues, and promote overall wellness. It contains bioactive compounds such as piperine, which contributes to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris, also known as puncture vine or goat's head, is a plant commonly used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits. It is believed to enhance athletic performance, increase libido, and improve overall vitality. This plant is rich in saponins, which are compounds thought to have various therapeutic effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Berberis Aristata

Berberis aristata, also known as Indian barberry or tree turmeric, is a revered herb in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. Native to the Himalayan region, this shrub boasts a rich history of therapeutic use. Renowned for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, Berberis aristata is utilized to treat various ailments.

Basil Seeds

Basil seeds, also known as sabja seeds or tukmaria, are tiny black seeds derived from the basil plant, Ocimum basilicum. Despite their small size, these seeds pack a nutritional punch, rich in essential nutrients like fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

Semen Cassia Tora

Semen Cassia Tora, also known as sicklepod seeds, is a plant native to tropical regions, particularly prevalent in Asia. Renowned for its medicinal properties, it has been used in traditional herbal medicine for centuries. The seeds contain bioactive compounds with various therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties.

Ashwagandha Powder

Ashwagandha powder, derived from the roots of the Withania somnifera plant, holds a revered place in Ayurvedic medicine for its multifaceted benefits. Renowned for its adaptogenic properties, it helps the body adapt to stress and promotes overall well-being.

Fresh Cumin

Fresh cumin, renowned for its aromatic and earthy flavor, is a staple spice in culinary traditions worldwide. Harvested from the flowering plant Cuminum cyminum, it adds depth and warmth to a diverse range of dishes, from savory curries to zesty salads. Beyond its culinary appeal, fresh cumin boasts a plethora of health benefits.

Dried Flowers

Dried flowers, cherished for their enduring beauty, bring a touch of nature's splendor into any space. Preserved at the peak of their bloom, these botanical treasures offer a timeless elegance that transcends seasons. From delicate petals to intricate blooms, they captivate with their rich colors and textures.

Soap Nut

Soap nuts, also known as soapberries, are natural cleaning agents derived from the Sapindus genus of trees. These small, round fruits contain saponin, a natural surfactant that produces a lathering effect when mixed with water. Renowned for their eco-friendliness and gentle cleansing properties, soap nuts are a sustainable alternative to conventional laundry detergents

Passiflora Incarnata Leaves

Passiflora incarnata leaves, commonly known as passionflower leaves, are renowned for their diverse medicinal properties. Rich in flavonoids and alkaloids, these leaves offer a range of health benefits. They are often used to alleviate anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality due to their mild sedative effects.

Organic Gotu Kola Powder

Experience the natural vitality with Organic Gotu Kola Powder. Sourced from the lush fields, this herbal gem offers a wealth of health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, Gotu Kola powder supports cognitive function, aids in stress reduction, and promotes healthy skin. Its adaptogenic properties help the body adapt to stressors, enhancing resilience.


Shikkakai, derived from the Acacia concinna plant, is a natural alternative to commercial shampoos. Renowned for its gentle cleansing properties, Shikkakai has been used for centuries in traditional Indian hair care. Rich in saponins, it effectively cleanses the scalp and hair without stripping away natural oils, leaving hair soft, shiny, and manageable.

Moringa Leaves Powder

Moringa leaves powder, derived from the nutrient-rich leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree, is a powerhouse of health benefits. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this green superfood is renowned for its ability to boost immunity, improve digestion, and increase energy levels.

Phyllanthus Emblica

Phyllanthus emblica, commonly known as Indian gooseberry or amla, is a prized fruit renowned for its potent health benefits. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it boosts immunity, aids in digestion, and promotes radiant skin and hair. Amla's antimicrobial properties also support overall health by fighting off infections and preventing illnesses.

Terminalia Arjuna

Terminalia Arjuna, commonly known as Arjuna, is a medicinal plant revered in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic properties. Indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, this tree has been utilized for centuries to support heart health and overall well-being.

Groundnut Kernels

Groundnut kernels, also known as peanuts, are nutrient-rich legumes prized for their versatility and flavor. Packed with protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients like vitamin E and magnesium, these kernels offer numerous health benefits. They are commonly consumed as a snack, roasted or salted, or used as an ingredient in various cuisines worldwide.

Dried Tulsi Leaves

Dried Tulsi leaves, revered in Ayurveda for their medicinal properties, offer a potent blend of health benefits and culinary versatility. These fragrant leaves, carefully harvested and dried, retain their rich aroma and therapeutic properties. Renowned for their immune-boosting and stress-relieving properties, dried Tulsi leaves are commonly brewed into soothing teas or infused into various culinary creations.

Momordica Charantia

Momordica charantia, also known as bitter melon or bitter gourd, is a tropical vine widely cultivated for its edible fruit and medicinal properties. Characterized by its distinctive bitter taste, this vegetable is rich in nutrients and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Senna Pods Powder

Senna pods powder, derived from the dried fruits of the Senna plant, is renowned for its potent laxative properties. Used for centuries in traditional medicine, it effectively relieves constipation by stimulating bowel movements. Rich in anthraquinone glycosides, it works by promoting intestinal muscle contractions, facilitating smoother passage of stool.

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves, derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), boast a rich history of medicinal use dating back centuries. Renowned for their potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, neem leaves are often utilized in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. They are prized for their ability to treat a variety of ailments, including skin conditions like acne and eczema, dental issues such as gingivitis, and digestive problems like ulcers.

Morinda Citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as noni, is a tropical fruit-bearing tree native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Renowned for its potential health benefits, noni has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, noni is believed to support immune function, promote cardiovascular health, and aid in digestion.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi or water hyssop, is a herbaceous plant renowned for its cognitive-enhancing properties. Commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Bacopa has gained recognition for its ability to improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function. Rich in antioxidants, it offers neuroprotective benefits, supporting brain health and reducing oxidative stress. Bacopa is also valued for its adaptogenic properties, helping the body to cope with stress and anxiety.

Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot powder, derived from the tropical arrowroot plant, serves as a versatile ingredient in culinary and medicinal applications. Renowned for its natural thickening properties, it is a popular gluten-free alternative to cornstarch and flour in cooking and baking. Beyond its culinary uses, arrowroot powder is valued for its potential health benefits, including aiding digestion and soothing irritated skin.

Curcuma Amada

Curcuma Amada, also known as mango ginger, is a lesser-known member of the ginger family, prized for its unique flavor and medicinal properties. Native to India and Southeast Asia, this rhizomatous perennial herb resembles ginger in appearance but boasts a distinct mango-like aroma and taste. In traditional medicine, Curcuma Amada has been used to alleviate digestive issues, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon or Momordica charantia, is a unique vegetable renowned for its distinct bitter taste and myriad health benefits. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it's a powerhouse of nutrition. Bitter gourd is prized for its ability to regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable addition to the diet of individuals with diabetes.

Withania Somnifera

Withania Somnifera, commonly known as Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng, is a potent herb with a rich history in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Renowned for its adaptogenic properties, it helps the body adapt to stressors, promoting overall resilience and well-being. Ashwagandha is prized for its ability to enhance energy levels, support cognitive function, and improve sleep quality.

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves, derived from the aromatic bay laurel tree, are renowned for their distinct flavor and culinary versatility. Commonly used in cooking, these leaves impart a subtle, earthy taste and aroma to a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, and sauces. Beyond their culinary appeal, bay leaves also boast medicinal properties, known for their potential to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote respiratory health.

Our website is dedicated to providing information about various Indian herbs used in traditional medicine. Learn about their benefits and uses.
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black stethoscope with brown leather case
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closeup photo of red pepper and herbs
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orange and white medication pill
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black and gray stethoscope

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